David & I consider note-taking and its role in the creative process.
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By Mike Schmitz
By Mike Schmitz
By Mike Schmitz
By Mike Schmitz
In this episode of the Intentional Family, Rachel shares a valuable strategy for evaluating a school, program, or curriculum to help decide what is best for the long-term interest of your child.
By Mike Schmitz
In this episode of Bookworm, Joe & Mike examine the Enneagram in an effort to become who they were truly meant to be.
By Mike Schmitz
By Mike Schmitz
In this episode of the Intentional Family, Rachel explains the history and evolution of birthdays along with examples of celebrating in a way that makes the recipient feel valued and loved.
By Mike Schmitz
In this episode of Bookworm, Joe & I attempt to beat procrastination once and for all.
By Mike Schmitz
It will come as no surprise that I really like Obsidian. Those who have followed my work the last couple of years know that I absolutely adore this app. The more I use it, the more I love it.
But it’s not an easy app to get started with. In fact, when I downloaded and launched it for the first time, I immediately closed it and wrote it off as not for me. It took a couple of people showing me the ways that it could improve my workflows for it to really click for me.
I’ve seen other people struggle with the same thing when I introduce them to Obsidian for the first time. So, I’ve started a side project to help people who are struggling getting their feet under them in Obsidian gain some traction.
The project is called Daily Obsidian Tips, and I share what I’ve learned about Obsidian via an email sequence in short, digestible chunks. I try to cover a broad range of tips from beginner to advanced that I’ve found practical and demonstrate how they work. The goal is to deliver a single quick tip every day and show how it can be useful so that you can then go implement it without a huge time investment if it resonates.
If you’re interested, it’s available for free at dailyobsidiantips.com. There are currently 52 daily tips, and I plan to keep adding new tips over time (I currently have an outline for 50 more).
(For transparency, I’m an Apple nerd. So all of the tips are from a macOS or iOS perspective. Just so all you Windows user don’t feel duped.)
By Mike Schmitz
Mike Vardy is back to talk about the rhythm of work and why some people feel “productivity” is becoming a dirty word.
This episode of Focused is sponsored by:
A blog by Mike Schmitz about the intersection of faith, productivity, and technology.